In 1970, David Gresham, a well-known radio and television broadcaster, established David Gresham Music Publishing. Just a handful of the well-known names that the publishing company has collaborated with include domestic award-winning songwriters Rouge, Bantu Soul, Prime Circle, Tarryn Lamb, Jesse Clegg, Connell Cruise, Jimmy Nevis, and Stingray. One of the biggest publishers in the continent of Africa is David Gresham Music Publishing. With more than 5 million songs under management, the publishing house also represents the African songwriting rights of artists like Will.I.Am, Bruno Mars, Pink Floyd, John Ryan, John Legend, and many others. David Gresham Music Publishing, which focuses on synchronizations, management, and creative partnerships, is a leader in the local and global publishing industry.
David Gresham Music Publishing delivers major services to independent songwriters and publishers
Copyright admin
Recording Studios
Income tracking
Music Supervision
Synch Pitching
DSP Pitching
Strategic Partnerships